After reading Harry Potter series, I have found Harry Potter a lovable character. The description of the boy is not all overwhelming, and therefore easy to accept. We all dream of becomin a hero once in a while, but at the same time, we all fear that we are too weak to accomplish anything heroic. Conventionally, we all consider heros to be very strong, possibly handsome, and with underbelievable courage. However, Harry Potter is none of the above. He is small in size, not particulrly good-looking, and leads a miserable life among the Muggles. It is very easy for readers to identify with him.
Another reason Harry is so well loved is that the part Harry plays in the series illustrate the popular belief that we are all made rhe way we are for a purpose. Because he is so small in size, he can move fast and unnotice through the air, and therefore make a great seeker in Quidditich. Even through all the students in Hogwarts Have magic powers, not all can play the game well. This inspires us to believe that one day we can discover our life goal and yield unusual brilliant in some fields for our uniquenss.